Wednesday, July 23, 2008


My favorite discovery was Animoto. It was so easy to use and the results were wonderful. I am anxious to learn more about the available tools for utilizing the computer and also to practice what I have already learned. There are definite opportunities for lifelong learning. If someone as old and set in her ways as I was can learn and accomplish this much, everyone in the district that teachs needs to take this course. Everthing that we did in this course surprised me. I had never heard of most of these tools. I do not see room for improvement unless there would be a way to get help when you really get stuck. I guess that I could have emailed more but I just slogged through. I would definitely try another discovery program. There is so much useful info out there on the web to enchance a classroom's learning, I think that we are cheating our children and shortchanging them if we don't use these tools such as podcasting. Right now other than keeping up with what i have learned, I would visit blogs like Cool Cat Teacher to keep up with things in 2.0. I hope to start a blog on Xanga to get used to thinking through my new experiences and things that I come in contact with day to day and I will subscribe to the RSS feed for Learning 2.1.

Thing 23

Learning 2.0 is a discovery learning program created by Helene Blowers and adapted by the California School Library Association and others. Content and style for Learning 2.0 - 23 Things has been borrowed and duplicated with permission, under a Creative Commons License.

I copied and pasted the above from the sidebar of the website for 23 Things. I suppose that this is similar to a "works cited" or bibliography page. We difinitely need to stress to the student to give credit when and where it is due in order to avoid legal problems. I am not sure that I am totally clear on fair use after viewing the video A Fair(y) Use Tale and reading that comic book about copyright. Both are very well done though the video was annoying and hard to follow due to to all of the different voices used.

Thing 22

I listened to an episode of The Science Show which I found on the Education Podcast Network. It was somewhat like having someone reading a science book aloud. My mind started to wander. I do better reading along in the text or having something to watch. The EPN was easier for me to use than the Podcast Directory. I was not able to find anything that would work for me on the Podcast directory. When a radio station has "live streaming" audio, is that a podcast? I love listening to the shows on KCBI and they often mention that the listener can also listen from their computer but I have never tried. I would subscribe to that, I need to look a little more to find anything else that I might subscribe to. I think that a classroom creating a podcast of things that they have learned and allowing the parents to listen would be fun. Students in today's schools need those kind of positive learning experiences or when they grow up they will be computer illiterate like I am (was). LOL!!! ;)

Thing 21

I absolutely can not believe that this worked!!! I am so happy that I could cry!!! Yesterday was some day for me. I worked Special Ed this morning (my summer job) and helped to change the biggest dirty diaper that I had seen ever, poor little guy is 22 and completely at our mercy. He is a great guy, wheelchair bound but despite it all, laughs alot and keeps us laughing. I then was at Eastfield with my daughter as she donated blood and another student had a seizure. She ended up being okay but we were there for awhile and my clock to finish this was ticking. I left this program uploading my photos while I went to Bible study and after 2 hours, it was not finished. I left it over night and then could not find it right away. Yikes!! On top of all that, our internet connection keeps coming and going. Animoto was really easy to use. The uploading of photos took forever (might have been me, or my computer, or my lousy internet connection). I definitely will use this again, I would love to collect photos throughout the year to show in a short program for class graduation (promotion).

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thing 20
I don't seem to have much luck posting these things to my blog. I chose Urban Ninja for my YouTube. My children used to take Tae Kwon Do and we knew someone that was almost this fearless, fun to watch as long as you are not his mother. I am sure that there must be almost anything available to show (after previewing, of course)to match up with whatever the students are learning or even as a reward for good behavior, they could watch something funny.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Thing 19

I joined BakeSpace. I keep trying to convince myself that I like to cook. I think that I might try WhatsOnMyBookshelf, sounds like a good idea, people trading books. I am sort of a loner, maybe in time I will join another group. I am a work in progress as far as socializing.

View my page on 23 Thingsters