Wednesday, July 23, 2008


My favorite discovery was Animoto. It was so easy to use and the results were wonderful. I am anxious to learn more about the available tools for utilizing the computer and also to practice what I have already learned. There are definite opportunities for lifelong learning. If someone as old and set in her ways as I was can learn and accomplish this much, everyone in the district that teachs needs to take this course. Everthing that we did in this course surprised me. I had never heard of most of these tools. I do not see room for improvement unless there would be a way to get help when you really get stuck. I guess that I could have emailed more but I just slogged through. I would definitely try another discovery program. There is so much useful info out there on the web to enchance a classroom's learning, I think that we are cheating our children and shortchanging them if we don't use these tools such as podcasting. Right now other than keeping up with what i have learned, I would visit blogs like Cool Cat Teacher to keep up with things in 2.0. I hope to start a blog on Xanga to get used to thinking through my new experiences and things that I come in contact with day to day and I will subscribe to the RSS feed for Learning 2.1.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

You did it!